ISAAC Australia September Update
Silent Morning Tea Kit for International AAC Awareness Month

ISAAC Australia is delighted to share a newly created kit to help raise awareness of AAC as part of International AAC Awareness Month. The kit has information about AAC and resources to run a Silent Morning Tea at a venue of your choice. ISAAC Australia’s Silent Morning Tea Kit includes:…
ISAAC Australia Updates

Dear ISAAC Australia members and former members! I’m writing to you as part of my new role as the President of ISAAC Australia. I’m very excited to be taking this journey as part of the ISAAC Australia team – and having more opportunities to raise the awareness of AAC and…
Talking Scrubs Survey
Many Australians cannot speak or speak well enough to be understood. This isparticularly concerning in health settings. The Board of ISAAC Australia* has teamed upwith health researchers from the University of Adelaide, UniSA and Flinders University ina study to see if health worker scrubs printed with communication symbols mightimprove communication…
Scholarship for Cancun Conference: by Max Price
Support workers Todd and Josh have helped Max piece together this article by typing sections which are made from Max’s ideas, communications, and confirmations. Max’s own words, thoughts and opinions are recorded in image form, taken directly from Max’s Tobii Dynavox eye gaze device. See below for his opinion on…
ISAAC AUSTRALIA at ISAAC conference, Cancun Mexico 2023
Australian (and New Zealand) ISAAC 2023 conference delegates.
ISAAC Australia Membership
Click here to renew your membership online Click here to join as a member of ISAAC Australia
Conference 2020
The 19th Biennial Conference of ISAAC will be held in Cancún, México, at the Cancún International Convention Center (Cancún ICC). Announcing ISAAC Conference 2020 Venue (PDF, 92 kB) August 1-2: AAC Camp, Pre-Conference Workshops, Executive and Council Meetings August 3 -6: Main Conference at the Cancún ICC Please mark your…
Ariella’s Scholarship Experience!

Ariella was one of the lucky recipients of our ISAAC-Australia Conference Scholarship for 2018. She had a wonderful time at the AAC Camp, attending the conference and enjoying the sights of sunny Gold Coast. Ariella has shared some wonderful photos with us, with her own captions, which you can see…
Extraordinary General Meeting – 13th July 2018
The ISAAC-Australia Extraordinary General Meeting is on this Friday, details below: FRIDAY 13TH JULY 2018 5.30 PM AEST (Short Meeting) Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also dial in using your phone. Australia: +61 2 9087 3604 Access Code: 289-986-397 Please note we need 7…